Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The Privilege of Service

            It has been said that in the church today we have 20% of the people doing 80% of the work. And, unfortunately, that all too often appears to prove to be true in most churches. But Biblically, it shouldn't be that way.

            Paul describes the church as being like a body made up of different parts which all contribute to the work of the whole in 1 Corinthians 12. Every member has an important role to play and the body would be hurting if one or two of the members aren't working. No one is insignificant and not necessary. Many of us have experienced a broken bone or some issue with a part of our body that caused it not to work properly. Didn't that effect what you were able to do? Things are much more difficult if you don't have the sense of smell in your nose, you cannot use your right arm, or you have the pain of a broken toe, causing you to limp around. Can't you accomplish more and do things better when all parts of your body are functioning properly? Well, the same is true in the church. The church body is hurting and not as effective in its work if some members choose not to serve as God has designed them to. Don't think that just coming on Sunday and sitting through the service doesn't have any effect on anyone else in the fellowship or on the congregation as a whole. It absolutely does! Just as every member needs the church to help him or her in their growth in Christ, the church needs every member to fulfill the mission Christ has given it. The Great Commission to make disciples of all the nations is far too much for only 20% of the people to do. All hands are needed on deck for its success.

            And how great of an encouragement it is for us to know that each and every one of us have a specific place in the fellowship with a distinct role that God has designed for us to play within it. No one, including you, is part of our family by accident or doesn't belong here. Not only do you belong a part of the family, you have been chosen by God to do something within it! In fact, He has given you a specific gift to enable you to do whatever it is that He wants you to do. To be the foot, the hand, nose, ear, or eye of the body we could say. That's the point of vv. 4-11 of 1 Corinthians 12. There is no reason for us not to be serving in some capacity. (Even those who physically are not able to do as much on account of age or other circumstances still are just as much an important necessary part of the fellowship with a special role to play. In fact, I know that many of our shut-ins who may not be able to serve on any committees or make it out here for anything spend much time on their knees praying for the work of the church. I really can't think of anything greater that they can do than that! That serves as the backbone for all that we do together as a church holding us up. And we certainly need for it to continue.)

            The Bible reading plan that I have been following this year currently has me in Nehemiah (as well as Genesis, Matthew, and Acts) and something I read this time in that book really jumped out at me. In Nehemiah 4:6, where it is reported that half of the wall around the city of Jerusalem had been built by the people, it states, "and the people had a heart to work." This construction occurred in the midst of great discouragement coming from the words of Sanballat and Tobiah who were striving to put an end to the Jews work of restoring the city (vv. 1-3) and is remarkable for how fast they were able to get so much accomplished in a relatively short amount of time. The reason for such came from the willingness of the people to do the work necessary to get the job done. How much more could the church do today if all of its members similarly "had a heart to work?" And why is it that so many don't?

            I think it ultimately comes down to forgetting the privilege it is to serve and the One who, as our Master, served us. When you think about it, God does not need us to do His work. He is more than capable to do it all in His power and strength on His own. But how amazing is it that He chooses to include us in that work all for His glory? That we have the privilege to serve in His church and to be a vessel for Him to work through to contribute to the growth of fellow believers and the addition of the number of the church in our evangelistic outreach. We should not view service in the church as not something we have to do. Rather as something we get to do.

            And we have a Master who Himself modeled such service to us. Who humbled Himself to do the work of the lowest slave in the household and wash His disciple's feet (John 13:5-17). In fact, the very reason He came was not to be served by us but to serve us by laying His life down for our salvation. As He said to His disciples, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many" (Mark 10:45). With such great service to us, how can we not be moved to want to serve each other in the church in return? To follow Him in His remarkable service? I have shared with you before this powerful quote from C. T. Studd which conveys how Christ giving His all for us should serve as the motivation for us to give our all in service for Him. In giving up a very successful athletic career and giving away his vast fortune, he said, "If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him." There is nothing greater than spending and being spent in doing gospel work in the life of the church for the One who is worthy of it and gave His very own life for us. To contribute to something of eternal value that will last far more than just the coming generation or so.

            While the 20% doing the 80% of the work in the church may be a reality today, it doesn't have to be. At least if we don't continue to allow it to be so. How are you using the gifts that God has given you in service to His church right now? What are some opportunities in the church available for you to serve at the moment? If you don't know what your spiritual gift or gifts may be, the best thing to do is to take advantage of any of those opportunities and get serving! Since these gifts are designed to build up and benefit the church, you will not discover them outside of service in the church. No evaluation form or book can help with this or direct you. I know of many who have found out the gifts God has graciously given them to enable them to serve where He has designed just by stepping up to serve where there was a need. Unknown to them at the time, it is exactly the place the Lord wanted them and had already equipped them for. They would have never found that out had they sat back just asking the Lord what role He would have them to play in His body and would have continued to miss out on the blessing to be used by Him for His work if they had done so. God will make it clear to you what He has equipped you to do for His people to honor and please Him as you faithful seek to serve in whatever areas are open for such.

            Let's each figure out together what role the Lord would have us to play in His body and get to work at doing such with the help of His Spirit which He has so graciously given! Wouldn't it be great if it could be said about Mt. Joy that we have 80% of the people doing 100% of the work? Or even 100% of the people doing 100% of that work? It's possible if we all faithfully seek to be obedient to the Lord and use His gifts His Spirit has bestowed to us. May the Lord make it so!

Love in Christ serving along with you,

Pastor Lee

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